Stacy Riddle Forum
Built as a space for Baylor Greek life to come together, the two-story, 51,000-square-foot building contains nine sorority suites/meeting rooms, a computer lab available to all students, a chapel and prayer room, and an office for the Panhellenic Executive Board. The building is the main hub for the eight, member sororities of the National Panhellenic Conference on Baylor’s campus. It's located on the south side of the Baylor campus behind Harrington House on Ninth Street and Baylor Avenue.
The Riddle Foundation is a nonprofit charitable organization, based in Houston, dedicated to providing financial aid and assistance to a wide range of causes. Although the Foundation concentrates its philanthropy on providing college scholarships to underprivileged high school graduates, it has given several million dollars to various new construction efforts at Baylor, the largest recipient of foundation contributions.