Fraternity & Sorority Life Advisor Resources
Student organizations are required to have a minimum of one full-time staff or faculty member employed at the University serving as an advisor. Due to Fair Labor Standards Act regulation, nonexempt employees (defined as recording work hours and paid on an hourly basis), cannot serve in a voluntary capacity as a student organization advisor. That is, as a full-time, non-exempt employee, all hours dedicated to this student organization advisor role will be considered as paid-time, including overtime and will be recorded for these purposes within the employee’s departmental budget. As such, written approval from the direct supervisor is required to be provided to the Department of Student Activities prior to serving in this capacity.
Sponsored organizations may utilize graduate apprentices/assistants to serve as secondary advisors provided the graduate apprentices/assistants have fully completed all undergraduate requirements, work within the university department for which the sponsored student organization maintains a formal relationship and have fully completed all of the appropriate training as required by the Department of Student Activities. Graduate apprentices/assistants may attend off-campus and overnight events as a representative of the University, but may not approve online event registration requests or associated approval requests for student organizations. Further, graduate students may participate as either student members of a student organization or as a secondary advisor but not both at the same time.